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We have included a very useful feature in the template control panel which allows you to add custom code like Google Analytics into the header of the template or 3rd party code, scripts into the footer area.

For more information about the control panel read the control panel getting started guide

  1. Log into the administrator area of your Joomla site
  2. Select the Extensions menu and Template Manager menu
  3. Open the template you have installed at the website
  4. You will now see the control panel
  5. Open the header and footer custom code tab
  6. You will see two fields for the header and footer
  7. You can now just copy and paste the code into the header field which will appear between the <head> </head> tags or you can copy and paste the code into the footer field which will appear in the footer.
  8. After you have made the changes select the Save button

Header and Footer


Knowledge Base


