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Take a look at the Novel Joomla template we have created at the website which is a clean, beautifully styled design which is great for anyone looking to build a professional mobile friendly business website. Novel is both easy to setup and customize plus it comes with all the built-in features you need to help you create a modern and unique website. Some of the key features we have incorporated into Novel include 6 modern colour styles for you to choose from, lots of module positions, powerful theme customization tool so you can easily customize the design, customer testimonials slider and an image slideshow. Give your website a new lease of life today and download Novel.


The Novel Template Comes With The Following

youtube Novel Video demo

  • Novel template for the latest version of Joomla.
  • Adobe Photoshop file.
  • Step by step installation guide to install and setup Novel.
  • Lots of built-in features to help you easily setup and customize Novel.

Novel template features

  1. Novel is a mobile friendly design which supports fully responisve layouts to ensure your website looks great on all computers, tablets and smartphones.
  2. The responsive mode for Novel can be turned off via theme control panel.
  3. We created six multi coloured built-styles for Novel which you can choose from to offer you more choice and value for money.
  4. The easy to use built-in template customization tool allows you to change almost every part of the the novel color scheme so you can create a unique website for your business.
  5. The built-in image slideshow we have included in Novel is really easy to use and customize. The slideshow also comes with lots of built-in features to give you complete control over how the slideshow is presented at your website.
  6. it comes with a  built-in customer testimonials slider which can easily be updated with your customer reviews.
  7. You get a choice of over 40 fully collapsible module positions to choose from which gives you lots of freedom and control to publish the modules anywhere at your website.
  8. It supports custom html overrides and CSS styles.
  9. You get a choice of  fonts and typography styles to help you easily apply different styles to the text and you publish at your website.
  10. It comes with module class suffix styles which you can appled to the module positions you publish at your website.
  11. The user registration and log in module postioned at the top of the design allows your website visitors to quickly register new accounts and log into your website to access the servies you have to offer.
  12. Novel was designed using the latest technology including HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and Bootstrap.
  13. The template supports full width, one column or two columns layouts.
  14. The user friendly built-in control panel which Novel supports allows you to easily update all the features and settings we have built into Novel.
  15. The Novel design is fully compatible with latest versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Google chrome, iOS and Android web browsers.

Novel styles & module positions

Novel comes with six unique color styles for you to choose from. You can easily create your own unique colour style for the novel design uisng the user friendly built-in theme customization tool.

Novel control panel settings

All the built-in features we have incorporated into Novel can be easily updated using the user friendly control panel. For more information about the built-in features the Novel design supports open the control panel screen shots below.

Template Compatibility

joomla compatible

The template is compatible with the latest version of Joomla 4.2
Please see templates Changelog for full details.

Website Demo Installer

joomla website demo installer

The website demo installer comes with everything you need to build a website.

 youtube Joomla Website Installer Video 

Template Features

easy to use web designs

All the templates we have designed come with over 100 built-in features to help you build an amazing website



